Applying for Land Severance
In order to divide land that you own into smaller lots, official approval is required from the local municipality. Landowners must ensure that the land severance has no long-term negative impact on the community, otherwise, municipal services such as garbage...

The Federal Home Equity Capital Gains Tax
As federal and provincial government deficits skyrocket due to COVID-19 support payouts such as the CERB, governments at all levels will be searching for new revenue sources in the not-so-distant future to try and balance budgets. One way to accomplish...

Consequences of Failing to Abide with Social Distancing during COVID-19: Exclusive Possession of the Home
As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, a recent court decision made it clear that science does count in Ontario. There were significant consequences, when a property owner who occupied a residence was not abiding with social/physical distancing with respect...

Criminal Asset Forfeiture: Can you lose your home if you paid for it using illegitimate money?
How does the law in Canada view the real estate of criminals? Once found guilty, can criminals lose their home or other assets if they are purchased using money from a crime? According to the Criminal Code of Canada, the...