Ontario Condominiums 101: Part 2 – Protections for condominium owners of new units
Last week, we took a brief look at condominium corporations, the declarations that they can make and how they are governed in Ontario. Once the turn-over meeting has occurred and the newly elected board of directors is in place, the...

Ontario Condominiums 101: Part 1 – What is a condominium corporation?
According to Statistics Canada, new condo construction has been the dominant form of residential construction in Canada since 2012. While most people think of condominiums as a type of building, they are first and foremost a system of ownership. In...

Ontario Condominium Status Certificates
An Ontario Court of Appeal decision regarding condominium status certificates should be of interest for anyone who is evaluating a status certificate during their purchase or sale of a condominium. In this post, we will take a look at the...

Disclosure of Murder or Death in an Ontario Real Estate Sale
When looking to purchase real estate in Ontario, buyers should always perform their due diligence regarding the property. While this makes sense in terms of performing a physical home inspection with a licensed home inspector before finalizing the agreement, what...

Shared Common Elements in a Condominium
Condominium developers may be required by the City to purchase a Parcel of Tied Land ("POTL"), as authorized in the Condominium Act, 1998 (the "Act"), to be tied to their common elements. Conversely, condominium owners currently enjoying an informal arrangement...

Interim Occupancy Fees Related to a New Build Condominium Purchase
When a purchaser buys a newly constructed condominium unit, the builder will often allow them to move in prior to being able to transfer legal title to the property. This occurs in almost all new build condominiums since the legal...