The Little Mermaid is Back, but Ariel Still Needs a Lawyer, not a Court Composer, or: Ten Possible Ways to Void a Contract
At a recent meeting, Leslie Scott, our Marketing Manger said, if you want to get ‘clicks’, write about something current. In response, Associate Lawyer, Tanya Hewitt said, Ooh! Like the live-action remake of the classic Disney animated film, ‘The Little...

Don’t Forget to Drain the Swamp! – Ten Tips for Keeping a Lid on Litigation Costs
Let’s face it. Litigation is tough. Especially for individuals and small businesses who might not have the money to spend on it. Let’s see…do we finally upgrade from Windows 7, or do we spend all our money on lawyers? Tough...

What can you do when your loved one doesn’t provide for you in their Will?
Did you know that, in certain circumstances, if your loved one doesn’t provide for you in their Will, you can make what is called a “Dependant Support Claim” against their estate? This is an exception to what is known as...

Construction Adjudication
It has now been a little over two years since adjudication and prompt payment came into force in Ontario. To date, adjudication seems to have been the “middle-child” of dispute resolution mechanisms for construction related matters. It’s neither court, nor...

Smart Contracts in the Courts
Cryptocurrency trading and other forms of investment are enabled via smart contracts that execute themselves according to rules defined by code. But what happens if somebody finds a loophole and manipulates the rules to produce an unexpected result in their...

Should I include an arbitration agreement in my contract?
Frequently, commercial Parties will include arbitration agreements in a contract without much thought as to whether it is necessary or even a good idea. There are many things to consider before including an arbitration agreement in your contract. An arbitration...