Wait, I didn’t mean to gift that! The Doctrine of Unconscionable Procurement
What happens if the person you are providing a gift to tricks you or misleads you into giving it? What happens if you are forced into giving a gift? What happens if you did not understand the implications of gifting...

Can Children Challenge a Will on Fairness in Ontario?
Most provinces, including Ontario, will not allow non-dependent adult children to challenge a will on the basis of fairness. However, section 60 of British Columbia’s Wills, Estates and Succession Act, S.B.C. 2009, c. 13, states that if a will-maker dies leaving...

Are you properly prepared to challenge a will?
Losing a loved one is understandably a very difficult and emotional time for most Ontario residents. Unfortunately, whenever there are disputes that occur in the aftermath of a loved one's passing, this can ratchet up tension and stress to unimaginable...
The dynamics of contesting a will
Wills are an important part of the estate planning equation, and they are intended to allow for a smooth transition as one's final wishes are preserved. However, there are times when you may feel that some of the provisions in...